This is about 2 hours north of us at Rausch Creek Park- it's a giant playground for big boys. Josh and 2 friends took my Jeep for a day of off roading. They had tons of fun playing in the mud. I opted not to go this time, I'll go when it's warmer. We are a 2 Jeep family now, a Wrangler and a Cherokee. It's lots of fun, except at the gas pump.
This is our home. In August we moved into a duplex. This is an upgrade from the apartment complex where we share washer/dryer with 25 other apts. It's been a nice change. But, as all humans do, we are still wishing for more. Someday we want a yard and a garage. I know, lots of time...
Over Christmas our Young Marrieds class at church had an elf party. We had to dress up as an elf-something. Like, on the right, and elf-lifeguard. We ate, played a white elephant game (you know, oh THOSE wedding gifts), and hung out. We have an incredible group of friends.
We have said goodbye to some of our closest friends as the head in to full time ministry at camps out West- the Coates in Montana and the Hofferts in Wisconsin. This has been a hard time but the Lord is good. We love you guys!