There is something about spending time with family around
the holidays and the nearing of the end of the year that causes me
to be more reflective about the past year than I tend to be while in
the midst of it. Each year I appreciate that as it helps me to take stock of what the past year has brought- the blessings along with the hard things. It is always humbling to look back over the way that God has provided, and especially this year.
It was about this time last year that Lauren and I made our decision to leave PA, even though at that time we really had no idea where we were actually moving to. A decision that even perplexed us more than once. Through God's guidance, we settled on moving to Bozeman, MT and working at Yellowstone Alliance Adventures for the three months of summer.
Through many tears we said “see you soon” to the countless people that were an integral part of our lives in PA. Our church family, some of our immediate family, our small group, and our larger group of friends and coworkers. God had provided and placed each of those people in our lives for a season, and we were trusting him that if he could do it once, he could do it again. The last week of May held many goodbyes and many memories. I for one was glad to have a long drive ahead of us before we dove head-first into our Montana summer.
God provided a wonderful staff at YAA this summer, and the lives of many kids were impacted by our staff. It was a joy to be able to work and live life with the Coates and the Hawthorne's, as well as the other full time camp staff, David, Shawn and Tessa. Camp stretched us in many ways, many that we anticipated, some that we didn't. God graciously provided financially for us over the summer, often through many of you, and we humbly thank you for that opportunity.
In moving to work at camp we came to know Joe and Debbie Velli, who opened up their home to us and provided us a place in their home to live for the summer. Their kindness and hospitality has been a huge blessing to our family as we have continued to live there even though the summer is long over!
As camp came to a close for the summer, the larger question of finding real jobs loomed ahead of us. In September, Lauren was able to get a casual call position in the ICU at the Bozeman hospital, which has worked well to fit around the rest of the family schedule. I started working at TGW Inc., a custom rustic furniture and cabinetry shop in November. I have enjoyed getting to learn a new facet of the woodworking industry, though our market has continued to slow as the year has drawn to a close. I'm not sure what the new year will bring, though I am confident in the Lord's provision, one way or another.
Ruth has been a constant source of smiles and joy in our lives! It has been incredible to see her little mind and body grow and change as she learns new things everyday. She has shed most of the rolly-polly baby rolls that she brought to Montana. They slowly disappeared as she began to put one foot in front of the other and walk and run laps around our apartment. She has enjoyed having a playmate in Mayne Coates, and their clear personality differences keep the four of us parents often laughing. Ruth is currently expanding her vocabulary on an almost daily basis, and loves “talking” with her stuffed moose and stuffed puppy. She's still just as cute as she was last Christmas, even though she's lost a few chins along the way....
This coming May, Ruth will be joined by another sibling! Lauren has been feeling much better lately, now that most of the morning sickness is past. We're both unsure what life will be like with two little ones to tear up the house, but we're looking forward to it all the same.
We've enjoyed the random and the planned visits of many friends over the last six months and welcome the many more to come! Joe Gough, Dan Porter, Luke Zitzman, Lauren's family, my parents, Larry and Laura Hoffert, Garrett and Beth Suhr. Anyone is welcome to visit, we'll find room for ya!
All things considered, we have really enjoyed our time in Montana so far. It really is a joy to have such beautiful country literally right out our back door. There is a National Forest trailhead at the end of our road, which is a hiking and mountain biking trail that networks into a trail system that could take you all the way south into Yellowstone National Park if you'd like! There are countless trout streams to be explored and fished, and I'm really looking forward to going elk hunting next fall.
Because of working at camp for the summer and having a cold fall, Lauren and I did not make it out camping at all this past year, but we can't wait to have some weekends next year to explore our back yard, on foot or by Jeep.
I was asked last week by a friend if Montana feels like home yet. His question really caused me to ponder that thought. In many ways yes, it does feels like home. It feels comfortable, inviting and welcoming. But from another perspective, we sometimes still feel like strangers, like outsiders. We've begun to establish some friendships here in Bozeman, but that is a slow process and can't be expected to happen overnight.
We remember that this world is not our home, someday we will be with our Saviour and friends in Heaven. But in the meantime, please pray with us as we travel this earth seeking the best path. We are still not sure what the future will hold for our young family. We desire to enjoy the earth given to us as we serve him and fulfill the calling of raising children. Please pray for contentment where God has us at present, and to make the most of every opportunity.
Thank you for you friendship. Grace to you-
Josh & Lauren