Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Life now
It's weird to be living on the West side of the time zone. So last night we played soccer (which was a blast!), starting at around 8 or 8:30. We stopped at around 10 or 10:30 with still plenty of light to walk the 1/4 mile home. It actually gets dark around 11 or 11:30. But because we're more North of Pa, it still gets light at 5:30-6am.
It's June 19th, and I'm still waiting for summer to come. Today was the nicest day, mainly because there was no cold rain and it peaked at about 75 degrees if you were standing in the sunshine. I have all these cute summer clothes for Ruth that I want her to wear, but I would be freezing her cute chubby legs if I put them on her. Maybe it'll warm up soon!
Ruth has been growing and throwing us challenges here and there. She learned how to gag to the point of vomiting if she doesn't like a food. We're putting a stop to that real quickly. Her favorite food is prunes, so we often use that to disguise the peas. She's such a camp kid already. I caught her with a handful of dirt in the mouth the other day. I usually don't mind the rocks or sticks, but the dirt is something we're trying to stay away from. There is an endless supply of new friends willing to hang out with Ruth, particularly her new friend Brianna who is going into 5th grade. Brianna loves to hang out with Ruth, and she never complains about her arm aching after lugging the chub across camp (as I frequently do). Ruth loves the swing, the grass, and dandelions. She loves animals, when ever she sees the dogs, birds, squirrels, or the like, she gets really excited and says "ooh! ooh!" and pushes off whoever is holding her to try to get closer to the animal. So cute. The dogs are, fortunately, very tolerant of her, all others run away before we get too close.
Soccer day camp just ended and the 3rd and 4th graders come next week as the first of the residential camps. Josh is swamped with work at camp, and I try to make myself busy. I am basically the nurse, laundry lady, photographer, camp store helper, office manager assistant, and mom. That's all for now, I'll post some camp pictures soon!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
We've arrived!
Greetings from Bozeman, Montana!
We are thrilled to be writing you from our summer home here at YAA! We left PA on Wednesday, May 27, with our caravan headed West. My dad, Dale, and Lauren's sister, Heather, drove with us on our journey across the nation. It was a huge blessing to have the extra hands as we took our fleet of three vehicles and trailer loaded with our belongings towards Montana.
All told, it took us 44 hours of driving in 4 days to cover about 2200 miles. Our travels took us from Pennsylvania just past Chicago, IL the first night. The next day was a shorter day, leaving Illinois and heading through Wisconsin and into Minnesota. We were thankful to meet some dear friends for lunch in Wisconsin, which was a welcome break from the road. We then spent the night with some other friends in Minnesota. The third day took us through the remainder of Minnesota, across South Dakota and into Wyoming. We took detours to drive through Badlands National Park and Mount Rushmore. Saturday we headed Northwest through Wyoming to Bozeman, Montana.
We arrived at camp Saturday afternoon and were able to take the next three days to settle into our summer quarters and regroup after an emotionally and physically exhausting previous three weeks. It was refreshing to wake up on Sunday and not have to get into the car!
The first of the summer staff arrived on Thursday, so it was awesome to get to put faces to names and share a meal with everyone that evening. Staff training started first thing Friday, which included all 18 summer and year-round staff members. We've been able to participate in a number of activities which have really helped the staff to begin to gel as a group. Saturday we took a twelve mile hike that took us over a ridge and down Cottonwood Canyon, right in the back yard of camp. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the 40-50 degree temperatures and snow! Sunday we awoke to about 2” of fresh powder, which although it is beautiful, was a surprise with only two weeks
until the start of summer camp!
Please pray as the high school students in the Timothy Program, arriving Thursday the 18th., who are assistant counselors and help with the overall maintenance of camp. Pray for Josh as he works with them and alongside the other senior staff. Pray for Lauren as the health care of the camp is being developed and grown. Pray for us as we continue to learn what it means to be parents as we are involved in camp life.
We are praising the Lord for our safe arrival, a great staff, and encouragement from His word. We are currently just over 75% of our support goal, and are so grateful for His provision thus far. We are confident in our Lord to provide for our needs. Thank you so much for your gifts, notes and encouragement, we would not be here without you!
She's been crawling all over the place, every evening coming home with dirty knees and socks. We hold to the wisdom of Grandma Barb – a dirty baby is a happy baby! She is pulling herself up on everything that will hold her, and falling over when it doesn't. She's taken many tumbles, but she's learning fast. And yes, thankfully, she survived the car ride here!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Heading West

Spring has sprung, and I think it springs faster every year we get older. Outside, the little tiny white flowers that are scattered through our yard are coming up and blooming. Some would call them weeds, but our daughter loves them! Speaking of weeds, baby Ruth Elizabeth, who was born October 19, 2008, is growing fast. She has already outgrown some of her friends who are a few months older. She has been such a joy in our lives as we watch her grow and learn every day! Right now she’s so close to turning over by herself and will start some real food soon. And just this weekend her first tooth started to poke through!
After Ruth’s birth, Lauren has gone back to work as a full-time nurse, and Josh has been doing part-time work in a number of carpentry and woodworking areas, mostly working for a custom wood furniture builder. We’ve been able to share working and at home responsibilities, which has been great!
In the summer of 2007, we had an opportunity to work at a camp in upstate New York for the summer. Both of our skill-sets fit very well into camp life, which helped us make the most of that time. Prior to that summer, and much more since that summer, we have been constantly in conversation about where our goals and desires would take us, both vocationally and geographically. In a large part due to how much we enjoyed our summer at camp in New York, we’ve been exploring the idea of working at a camp that operates year-round. During the past few years, a number of our very close friends have made the transition into full-time camp ministry, and we’ve been able to visit to work and play along side them, which has renewed our desire to pursue camp ministry.
Through many conversations and prayer, we have made the decision to move to Bozeman, Montana and work at Yellowstone Alliance Adventures for the summer! We have been out visit Montana on four different trips, and to YAA on three different occasions. Two of the trips were to volunteer for work projects, and we will be taking a third team out for a work trip in May. We are excited to be working alongside Seth and Cathy Coates at YAA for the months of June, July and August, and we feel that the positions we have been offered at camp fit us well. Josh will be playing a key role in the maintenance and facilities department while also participating in various program areas as he is needed. Lauren’s primary role with be as Mom to Ruth, but will be expanding and updating the healthcare role at YAA.
YAA is a family centered Christian camp that resides just south of Bozeman, nestled into some of the mountains there. They have a full summer camp program which targets both kids and families, and their facilities are used year-round for retreat groups and community organizations. The camp was founded in the 1960’s, but has existed in its current form with a full-time director since 1995.
For the positions that we are taking, we are required to raise the funds that will pay our salary, as the other full time staff do. We also need to have people who would be committed to prayer for us and the ministry of YAA. With our previous experiences at camps, both as campers and as staff, we see the great impact that it makes in the lives of the children and their families that attend. We will continue to leave updates and pictures throughout our time in Montana.