Greetings from Bozeman, Montana!
We are thrilled to be writing you from our summer home here at YAA! We left PA on Wednesday, May 27, with our caravan headed West. My dad, Dale, and Lauren's sister, Heather, drove with us on our journey across the nation. It was a huge blessing to have the extra hands as we took our fleet of three vehicles and trailer loaded with our belongings towards Montana.
All told, it took us 44 hours of driving in 4 days to cover about 2200 miles. Our travels took us from Pennsylvania just past Chicago, IL the first night. The next day was a shorter day, leaving Illinois and heading through Wisconsin and into Minnesota. We were thankful to meet some dear friends for lunch in Wisconsin, which was a welcome break from the road. We then spent the night with some other friends in Minnesota. The third day took us through the remainder of Minnesota, across South Dakota and into Wyoming. We took detours to drive through Badlands National Park and Mount Rushmore. Saturday we headed Northwest through Wyoming to Bozeman, Montana.
We arrived at camp Saturday afternoon and were able to take the next three days to settle into our summer quarters and regroup after an emotionally and physically exhausting previous three weeks. It was refreshing to wake up on Sunday and not have to get into the car!
The first of the summer staff arrived on Thursday, so it was awesome to get to put faces to names and share a meal with everyone that evening. Staff training started first thing Friday, which included all 18 summer and year-round staff members. We've been able to participate in a number of activities which have really helped the staff to begin to gel as a group. Saturday we took a twelve mile hike that took us over a ridge and down Cottonwood Canyon, right in the back yard of camp. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the 40-50 degree temperatures and snow! Sunday we awoke to about 2” of fresh powder, which although it is beautiful, was a surprise with only two weeks
until the start of summer camp!
Please pray as the high school students in the Timothy Program, arriving Thursday the 18th., who are assistant counselors and help with the overall maintenance of camp. Pray for Josh as he works with them and alongside the other senior staff. Pray for Lauren as the health care of the camp is being developed and grown. Pray for us as we continue to learn what it means to be parents as we are involved in camp life.
We are praising the Lord for our safe arrival, a great staff, and encouragement from His word. We are currently just over 75% of our support goal, and are so grateful for His provision thus far. We are confident in our Lord to provide for our needs. Thank you so much for your gifts, notes and encouragement, we would not be here without you!
She's been crawling all over the place, every evening coming home with dirty knees and socks. We hold to the wisdom of Grandma Barb – a dirty baby is a happy baby! She is pulling herself up on everything that will hold her, and falling over when it doesn't. She's taken many tumbles, but she's learning fast. And yes, thankfully, she survived the car ride here!
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