
Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well I think I might take the "hit counter" off the bottom of my blog - it's simply a little depressing to find that in fact the whole world is not beating a path to my blog doorstep. If you had asked me before, I'm not sure what I would have said, but I think I would have guessed that I could get more people interested in what goes on on this page than Tristan, my brother Zach, and my mother. And when you put it that way, it even sounds depressing.

The last week has been crazy insane and insane crazy. Wow, I guess it's been two weeks. Oh well. I feel like I've been going nonstop and running on little more than high octane Starbucks coffee. Which isn't an all bad thing, except I think it is aiding to ruin my sleep habits, and I'm sure things could be much worse.

As I sit here at my desk, I am surrounded by what seem to be towers of books. Books for school, books for Bible study, books for fun. There are a lot of good books and authors there, ranging from naturalist John Muir to C.S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer to Dwight Edwards, John Piper, Larry Crabb, to a beautiful 450 page book entitled "Modern Psychopathologies." I just can't seem to put that one down. If you're looking for a good read, I can come up with something for ya. I think there's something like 13 books I have to (want to) read, not including 5 commentaries, two bibles, and one journal. Hence, the IV of coffee that pumps caffeinated goodness through my veins.


Anonymous said...

Hey JR! We hear ya! We've got a website too that nobody visits. But it's a web store. We don't do much blogging. Check it out at,
"" We could even give you a 50% discount on your first order. End of commercial. So how are things? Are you coming home in the near future? We'll see if we can up the numbers on your hit counter. Bye.

Neave said...

Hey Josh,
I have been secretly reading your blog too. I found you through one of my many searches for websites that link to/mention Cedarwell. I really liked your epic bike ride story. You're doing a much better job of updating than I am. Have a great week. Read a commentary for me.