Well, I guess I should apologize to all of my faithful few followers for my own ineptness at knowing how this blog thing works. I just figured out why all of you that submitted stuff didn't get to see it posted - I had to "approve" it. I just didn't know that. Consider it done, and I'll try not to let it happen again.
With that said, maybe we can try this all over again.
Hard to believe it is nearly the middle of March already; it's spring break at school, which I am glad for. I guess I'll just update a few "life" things, not much of it is too interesting at this point in time though - just to warn you. Patrick Saia was home to PA here for a few days, so Lauren and I, Seth and Cathy got to spend about 24 hours with him, which was about all we could take, so after that we sent him home. Seth and I did manage to get the incredible privilege not only to take a ride in The Cobra again, but we both got a chance to drive it for a short while. If you want to get an idea of what we were behind the wheel of, check out this link:
http://www.factoryfive.com/table/ffrkits/roadster/roadsterkit.html Go to their homepage and check out some of the videos if you've got a good connection. It's worth it. It just kinda makes you want to drive for hours. In a sort of odd way, it reminded me a lot of my old back Jeep (my CJ7). I think it was the raw feel of a machine that communicates every feel of the road to your body. A machine that was meant for that, for driving, for the experience of the drive, not simply for the purpose of going from point A to point B.
Lauren and I will be going home to Wisco for the better part of a week, from March 22-26. It will be a busy five days, but it worked out without either of us missing any work or school stuff. We're going to make a trip up to CFS to hang out there. We'd love to be able to make the trek up to WWC, but I just don't think that is going to happen.
On another note, we're nearly finished teaching through the book of Ruth at The Porch, and looking forward to what might be coming next, but to anyone that is interested, I highly recommend studying Ruth. It has been awesome to read and study it, allowing God to define himself to me through what he has chosen to reveal about himself through that story, instead of me bringing my preconceptions about God to the story and reading them into the story itself. I've been studying through it with two other guys, Jeff and Josh, (yes, that's Josh, Jeff, and Josh) and it has been a great journey to study through the book together and share the teaching responsibilities. A book that I highly recommend as a sort of companion to the book of Ruth is a book by Larry Crabb titled "Shattered Dreams." It looks at the book a little more from Naomi's perspective, and it doesn't really stick to the book in train of thought, but it raises some very important and difficult questions. Maybe I'll post a few of them this week.
Spring has hit this weekend, Friday and Saturday were about 60-65`, Monday is supposed to be over 70. I'm not complaining. Now, if it would only stay this temperature all summer. I'd be okay with that. Well, that's all for now. If Lauren and I ever get around to either buying or borrowing a digital camera, we'll post some pictures of our new apartment now that we're all moved in and well settled. Until next time-