Today, so far, seizing the day meant beginning it with a breakfast of champions: Starbucks Guatemalan coffee and blueberry muffin chased by a thought provoking conversation regarding what "church" might have to do very differently to really connect with this current ultra-electronic generation. No conclusion drawn. Stimulating though.
I also painted my Jeep. Sort of. Krylon makes this cool spray paint that you can actually paint plastic with - it "bonds to plastic on a molecular level." That's what the can says anyway. So I bought some black to freshen up the trim on my Jeep which had faded to a sort of grayish-green.

That's sort of the before picture. You at least get the idea of the grayish-green. Someday I'll add a new picture. Not bad for $5 bucks and a couple hours work. Almost looks like new. Someday I hope to be able to do this:

Instead of this:

But it will be awhile $5 at a time.
Thanks for the birthday greeting!
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
We're glad that you can go up to CFS to see the "guys". They have been answers to our prayers.
love you,
yeah, about that jeep thing. I'm glad that you've decided to do just do things $5 at a time. that's one tiny lift kit. or lots of days of saving $5. :) love, your wife!
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